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Reopening UC ANR Operations

Reopening Guidelines, Safety Standards and Plans

UC ANR Reopening Guidelines (effective 7/1/2021)    Reopening and Remote Work Guidelines Presentation Recording
Flexible Work Guidelines (revised 10/14/2021)
UC ANR Location COVID-19 Prevention Plan (New version!!)
COVID-19 Prevention Plan - Amendment 1  (6/1/2022 - use this to amend existing plans for current standards)
Safety Plan Review/Submission Survey

Resource links and documents for ANR Safety Plans
Cal/OSHA ETS Revisions Summary (1/25/2022)
County Public Health COVID-19 links
Employee Clearance to Work Survey (5/5/2021)
Employee Clearance to Work Survey (Spanish translation) (5/5/2021)
Visitor Clearance Survey (11/10/2021)
Visitor Clearance Survey (2/1/2021)
Visitor Clearance Survey Instructions (07/27/2020)
Daily Attendance and Visitor Log (07/27/2020)
Daily Close Contact Log (06/07/2021)
Reporting a COVID-19 Positive Test or Exposure
Find Testing
Quarantine, Isolation and Return to Work Protocol (revised 4/21/2023) / Cuarentena, aislamiento y regreso al trabajo
Quarantine, Isolation, and Return to Work Summary Chart (revised 4/17/2023) / Gráfica y sumario sobre la cuarentena, aislamiento y regreso
Outbreak Protocol (revised 1/25/2022)
Ventilation Protocols (5/26/2021)
Mask Protocol (revised 4/17/2023)
CDPH Face Mask Guidance 
Voluntary Use Provisions for N95 Respirators
Travel Guidance
Vehicle Safety Protocols (revised 5/10/2022)
Field Day Safety Protocol (revised 5/19/2022)
New Employee Protocols (revised 4/17/2022)

Training information for employees, volunteers or other stakeholders

UC Online COVID-19 Prevention Training 

click on “Training Materials”
enter name, email, and under “University or Institution” enter UC ANR
Go through the training and complete the test. On the test, select “Agriculture & Natural Resources” for your campus or location, so we have a record of your completion.

COVID-19 Awareness (06/07/2021) (en Espanol)
COVID-19 Safety Standards (6/29/2022) (en Espanol)
UC COVID-19 Training and Information Resources

Posters and communication tools
UCANR Meeting Guidelines During COVID-19 poster
Sign - Masks are Optional
Sign - Masks required for all
Sign - Mask required if unvaccinated
Sign - Mask required if unvaccinated
UC ANR Symptom Reminder Sign (05/23/2022)
UC ANR Safety Standards sign (5/20/2022)
Sample signs from UC Davis and UC Riverside
UCLA Multilingual Resource Hub
CDC Stop the Spread of Germs
CDC Stay Home if You are Sick
CDC What You Can do if You are at Higher Risk
CDC Get a Vaccine
Other CDC COVID-19 Posters


Guidance for In-Person Programming with Volunteers and/or Youth

Second Street Davis Safety Protocols