Reporting a COVID-19 Positive Test or Exposure
Potential exposures or confirmed COVID-19 cases among UC ANR employees must be reported as soon as possible, using the UC ANR COVID-19 Screening Report survey. You can also make a report to Thang Martin, UC ANR's disability and leave coordinator, as soon as possible.
If you need to find local testing resources, use the guidance and links on our Find Testing page
Positive COVID-19 test or diagnosis
If an employee tests positive or is diagnosed with having COVID-19, please provide the following information as soon as possible:
- Employee Name:
- Employee ID#:
- Date Employee was last present at worksite (office, field/school site, etc.):
- Address of worksite location (include building, field, or school name):
- Date Employee began having COVID symptoms:
- Date Employee was tested for COVID:
- Date Employee was notified of positive test result:
- Date Supervisor was notified:
- Names of employees or other potentially exposed (close contacts are those within the same airspace for 15 minutes or more):
- Location or personal contact in which employee believes they were exposed (work place or home):
- Authorization to provide employee name to union (if applicable):
It is understood that you may not have all of the information above immediately, so please report what information you do have as soon as possible. Additionally, please report any guidance provided by the local public health authority. If you receive a medical note, please send an e-mail to Thang Martin or FAX to 1-530-231-0103, a confidential FAX line.
Potential COVID-19 Exposure
If an ANR employee reports that they have been in close contact (within the same airspace for 15 minutes or more) with another person who has tested positive for coronavirus, the same reporting steps apply.
- Employee name:
- Date Employee was last present at worksite (office, field site, etc.):
- Date Employee was exposed to COVID-19 positive person:
- Whether exposure occurred at work
- Whether exposed Employee has any symptoms:
Next Steps
Based on the information reported, you will be advised if the employee needs to quarantine or isolate, if additional employees must quarantine, if other communication is required, or if any other mitigation steps must be taken. ANR Human Resources will also provide the employee with information about leave options that are available.
Quarantine, Isolation and Return to Work Protocol
Quarantine, Isolation, and Return to Work Summary Chart
Cuarentena, aislamiento y regreso al trabajo
Gráfica y sumario sobre la cuarentena, aislamiento y regreso
CDPH Quarantine Guidance
CDPH Self-Isolation Instructions
CDC Quarantine Gudiance