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Emergency Management

ANR Communication Guidelines for Reporting Serious Incidents or Matters

ANR managers or directors should use the following guidance for reporting serious incidents or matters

Emergency Management Resources

UC ANR constantly faces a variety of risks ranging from natural disasters to localized emergencies.  As part of a UC system-wide effort, the University has committed to increasing its “event-readiness” by taking a comprehensive approach to prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from any adverse event or disruption.

The following information about emergency management is for all ANR employees, volunteers, and locations.

Emergency Planning and Prevention Resources
Emergency Action Fire Prevention Plan
Employee Emergency Contact List Template
ANR's Disasters Happen - preparation and response guide

Safety Notes
006 General Earthquake Safety
072 Basic Fire Prevention Measures
088 Fieldwork Safety: Fire Preventative and Defensive Measures
109 Tsunami Awareness
145 Preparing an Effective Evacuation Route Map
166 Office Preparedness for Emergencies
167 Be Informed about Emergencies
168 Make a Plan for Emergencies
169 Build a Kit of Emergency Supplies
188 Get Home Bag
189 Emergency Preparedness for Supervisors
199 Public Safety Power Shutoff
203 Winter Storm Preparedness

Fact Sheets
ANR Fact Sheets regarding emergency situations and preparedness

Emergency/Disaster Recovery Resources
Continuity Planning
UC Ready
ANR's Disasters Happen Project - resources, links, & preparation/response guide

Emergency Response Structure & Training
Emergency Response Structure

Emergency Planning For Home
Simple Home Emergency Plan