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Current Guidance

This page displays the latest and current guidance for UC ANR locations and programs regarding COVID-19 and includes links to more detailed information.

Safety Protocols and Guidance for ANR Employees and Programs
UC ANR Location COVID-19 Prevention Plan template (revised 06/01/2022)  (each UC ANR location has prepared a plan)
COVID-19 Prevention Plan - Amendment 1  (use this to amend and update existing plans)
COVID-19 Screening Report (report symptoms, exposures, or testing with this survey)
Visitor Clearance Survey (optional to verify visitors are free of symptom or recent exposures)
Mask Protocol (revised 4/17/2023)
Reporting a COVID-19 Positive Test or Exposure
Find Testing
Self-Testing Guidance
Quarantine, Isolation and Return to Work Protocol (revised 1/30/2024)
    Cuarentena, aislamiento y regreso al trabajo
Quarantine, Isolation, and Return to Work Summary Chart (revised 1/30/2024)
    Gráfica y sumario sobre la cuarentena, aislamiento y regreso
Outbreak Protocol (revised 1/25/2022)
Ventilation Protocols (5/26/2021)
Vehicle Safety Protocols (revised 5/10/2022)
Field Day Safety Protocol (revised 5/19/2022)
New Employee Protocols (revised 4/17/2022)